07 October 2024

Corporate Welfare allied with Health & Wellbeing for the psycho-physical wellbeing of employees

In the contemporary business context, the theme of wellbeing has become central to the success and sustainability of any organization.

An ever-increasing focus on the physical and mental well-being of employees is essential to improving productivity, motivation and staff retention.

In this context, Corporate Welfare obviously plays a crucial role in offering benefits and services to support the health and well-being of workers.

So let's talk about " corporate wellbeing " , but above all about how Corporate Welfare can contribute to improving the quality of life of employees , with significant advantages for both the company and the collaborators.

The Importance of Wellbeing in the Corporate Context

The concept of well being , which we have already discussed in depth here , goes far beyond the simple “absence of disease”.

It is in fact a broader concept, which involves, in addition to physical well-being, also psychological and social well-being, to allow individuals to live a truly fulfilling and productive life.

Within the work context, the state of well-being of workers should therefore include 4 different forms of “health”:

  1. physical well-being , that is, the physical health of workers, maintained through prevention and support for medical care.
  2. Mental well-being, or psychological health, can be achieved by reducing stress and promoting a peaceful working environment.
  3. Social well-being , i.e. the creation of positive relationships, generating a sense of belonging within the company.
  4. Financial well-being , i.e. economic stability, which can also be achieved through welfare tools that improve the employee's quality of life.

It may seem obvious, but investing in the mental and physical health of your employees is not only a matter of social responsibility, but it is also a winning business strategy.

Several studies show that workers who feel physically and psychologically well are more productive , less likely to change jobs and more motivated to contribute to the success of the organization.

A healthy employee is ultimately also more efficient and inclined to develop innovative ideas , while reducing absenteeism rates.

If you have already read our articles on burnout syndrome and disaffection at work , you will already know what we are talking about and how important work-life balance is in this sense, but concretely: what role does Welfare have in all this?

Benefits offered by companies to employees in the health and well-being sector through Welfare

Corporate Welfare includes all those initiatives and benefits that a company can offer its employees, to improve their quality of life both inside and outside the workplace.

As for specific benefits, designed to promote the health and well-being of workers, Corporate Welfare may include:

  • supplementary health care

Many employees appreciate the possibility of having access to more extensive health coverage than that provided by the national health system. A good Corporate Welfare plan can include private health insurance, discounts on specialist visits or additional health benefits for employees and their families.

  • Prevention and treatment programs

In addition to health insurance, companies can offer annual medical check-ups, consultations with health experts, or access to prevention programs, such as anti-smoking campaigns, stress monitoring, and healthy lifestyle promotion.

  • Promotion of sport , through access to gyms and fitness programs.

Physical well-being is closely linked to work capacity; offering access to company or affiliated gyms, yoga classes or meditation sessions can therefore help employees stay fit, while improving their mood and reducing stress.

  • Psychological support

Work-related stress is a major cause of psychological distress. Companies can invest in psychological counseling services for employees, such as access to therapists, coaching , or workshops on how to manage stress and improve work-life balance.

  • Work flexibility

Promoting a work-life balance is crucial to employee well-being. Corporate Welfare can include the possibility of working remotely , flexible hours, a reduced work week or extended parental leave, all of which contribute to improving the quality of life of workers, also enhancing free time .

  • Financial well-being

Ensuring the economic security of employees is one of the most powerful levers of Corporate Welfare. In addition to bonuses and economic incentives, companies can offer services such as supplemental retirement plans, loans on advantageous terms or personalized financial advice.

Euty has also integrated a new module dedicated to “Health & Wellbeing” , including new prevention packages and guidance towards the most suitable specialist, but also aspects more connected to a concept of “extended” wellbeing, promoting access to specific services, such as nutritionists, personal trainers, life coaches and/or much more!

If you want to know more about the Euty App , click HERE .

Corporate Welfare and Workers' Wellbeing: Benefits for the Company Too

Implementing a Corporate Welfare plan that focuses on employee well-being brings tangible benefits not only to workers, but also to the company itself.

As we know, a work environment that promotes health and well-being attracts more talent. and improves staff retention, reducing turnover and training costs for new hires.

The health of a company is directly proportional to that of its collaborators: it is therefore evident how an increase (quantitative and qualitative) in productivity can derive from the integration of Welfare marketing among company strategies.

Corporate Welfare related to health and well-being is a powerful tool to improve the quality of life of employees and, at the same time, to increase the success of the organization.

Companies that invest in welfare programs aimed at the physical, mental, social and economic well-being of workers create a healthier, more creative and productive environment, attract the best talent and increase their long-term competitiveness.

Promoting wellbeing in all its forms is not just an option, but a necessity for anyone who wants to build a strong and sustainable corporate culture .

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