23 July 2024

Cos'è il Wellbeing? L’importanza del benessere dei lavoratori per il Corporate Wellbeing

Safeguarding the well-being of workers is now a topic of increasing interest.

As we have already said when talking about the importance of Work Life Balance , the physical and mental health of collaborators also affects company performance, both from a productive and qualitative point of view, on burnout syndrome , on employer branding and on company image .

However, we often hear the terms " Wellbeing " and " Corporate Wellbeing " used more generically: so let's see what it is.

What is meant by Wellbeing?

The term " wellbeing " refers to a general state of well-being, which includes different aspects of a person's life.

It's not just about being physically healthy, but also about having mental, emotional and social balance.

Well -being is therefore a broader holistic concept, which encompasses everything that contributes to an individual's quality of life , including work, personal relationships, leisure and mental health.

In the work context, wellbeing takes on crucial importance : when employees are in an optimal state of well-being, they are also more productive, motivated and satisfied with their work.

Investing in the psycho-physical health of workers not only improves their quality of life, but also brings tangible benefits to the company, including greater productivity, reduced absenteeism and staff loyalty.

The 3 Pillars of Corporate Wellbeing

The search for "corporate well-being" is a strategic approach, which aims to improve both the well-being of employees and of the company itself, through targeted corporate initiatives and policies.

An effective corporate wellbeing program must include a series of activities and services, specifically designed to improve the quality of working life, but also to respond to the specific needs and requirements of the company.

What are considered the pillars of Corporate Wellbeing are therefore 3:

  1. physical well-being

Physical well-being is the first pillar of corporate wellbeing .

It concerns the physical health of employees and includes initiatives such as fitness programs, the promotion of healthy eating and prevention. Companies can promote physical well-being, for example by providing company gyms and canteens, yoga courses, free medical check-ups , promoting a more active lifestyle, enhancing free time .

The goal - in this case - is to keep employees healthy, reducing the risk of illness and increasing their energy and vitality .

  1. Mental well-being

Mental wellbeing is equally key, to ensure that employees are able to cope with daily challenges without becoming overwhelmed by stress.

Companies can support the psychological well-being of workers by offering counseling services, mindfulness and stress management sessions and creating a more positive and inclusive work environment. By reducing anxiety and stress , employees' concentration, creativity and problem-solving skills are improved.

  1. Social well-being

Social well-being refers to the quality of relationships and social interactions in the workplace.

A harmonious and collaborative work environment is essential for overall well-being . Companies can promote social well-being through team building activities , social events, and inclusion and diversity policies.

Fostering cohesion and communication among employees creates a sense of belonging and improves job satisfaction.

What is corporate wellbeing?

Corporate wellbeing , or organizational wellbeing , is precisely the set of practices and policies implemented by a company to improve the overall wellbeing of its employees and its business activity.

It should therefore be underlined that this concept recognizes an inevitable link between the company's success and the health and well-being of its employees.

What is the most used tool to promote organizational well-being?

Now that we have understood the theory and advantages of a company's organizational well-being, the question arises spontaneously: how can we stimulate it? What tools are available to management to work in this direction?

As always, there is no magic or "ready-made" formula to apply, but rather we are talking about an approach that must permeate the modus operandi of a company, accompanied by concrete initiatives.

A holistic approach to corporate wellbeing includes, for example:

psychological support and stress management programs to address mental challenges.

● Opportunities for training and personal growth .

● Policies that allow employees to better manage time between work and private life, such as telecommuting, smart working and flexible hours.

● The creation of an inclusive and respectful work environment that values diversity and promotes social well-being.

To do this, one of the most effective tools is the activation of well-structured and complete corporate wellbeing programs, which may include, depending on the case:

digital platforms and online tools , which can offer resources and support for physical and mental health, such as fitness apps, guided meditation and online counseling. (For further information, read welfare to support the person with Euty )

Wellbeing ambassadors , i.e. figures within the company who actively promote wellbeing initiatives and act as a point of reference for colleagues.

Recurring surveys and feedback among employees , to understand their real needs and promptly improve/update dedicated initiatives.

Incentives and rewards for participating in wellness programs, such as gym discounts, rewards for health goals achieved, and recognition for healthy behaviors.

Therefore, if wellbeing is a fundamental concept for the success of a company, investing in the well-being of workers not only improves their quality of life, but also leads to tangible benefits for the company, such as greater productivity, reduction of absenteeism and improving employee satisfaction and loyalty.

sustainable workplace .

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