Work-LIfe Balance_Welfare Aziendale_Benessere
27 February 2024

Work life balance: what it is and how to promote it with Welfare

The frenzy of modern life can lead to a progressive loss of balance between work and private life , thus pushing the individual to search for a more balanced structure between duties and free time.

The pursuit of this harmony is at the heart of the concept of "work life balance" .

In this article we will therefore try to understand what this term literally means, what its definition is, why it is so important for the psycho-physical well-being of the worker and how it is possible to achieve or improve it, also thanks to company welfare services.

What does “ Work Life Balance ” literally mean?

The term "work life balance" literally means balancing your work life with your personal life .

It refers to the idea of finding a balance not only between the hours spent at work and those dedicated to private life outside of it, but also to a less "mathematical" relationship, relating to mental health and to the self-satisfaction of the worker, regardless of his level of employment.

This form of balance aims to prevent work from dominating our existence, instead allowing us to dedicate time and attention to personal activities, relationships and individual well-being .

Work life balance does not necessarily imply a strict equal division between work and personal life, but rather a flexible adaptation based on subjective needs and priorities.

The approach can therefore vary from person to person, as everyone has different needs.

What is Work Life Balance? Definition

The work-life interface is the intersection of work and personal life.

Defining what work life balance is in practice involves considering a series of elements, including: time dedicated to work, free time, quality of life and general well-being.

Work -life balance is not limited - as we were saying - to a mere mathematical equation between working and non-working hours, but also includes stress management, personal satisfaction and the building of significant relationships outside the professional sphere.

In a broader context, work-life balance helps create an environment where people can thrive both professionally and personally.

This balance should not be considered "a luxury", but rather a crucial element for human health: mental, physical and emotional.

An effective work-life balance also allows for greater productivity in the workplace , contributing to overall organizational success, and is therefore an element not to be underestimated from an economic point of view by the employer.

Work life balance is the secret ingredient that allows a company to succeed.

Why is work-life balance so important?

Work life balance is essential for a number of reasons.

● It helps reduce stress and tiredness (physical and mental), thus improving overall health and productivity.

● An adequate balance between work and personal life promotes greater professional and personal satisfaction , creating a virtuous circle, which benefits both the individual and the company.

● Work -life balance is crucial to maintaining healthy personal and social relationships . Investing time in your personal life allows you to build meaningful connections with friends and family, thus supporting emotional well-being.

work-life balance management can help prevent burnout , improving the longevity and sustainability of your professional career.

How to achieve or improve work-life balance?

Achieving and improving work-life balance obviously requires a holistic strategy .

First, it is essential to establish clear personal and professional priorities.

Planning time, setting realistic goals, and the ability to say no when necessary are key to successfully managing work-life balance.

Using technology tools for time management, such as scheduling apps, can also be a great help.

Flexibility in work organization, when possible, and the practice of healthy habits , such as physical exercise and adequate rest, are equally fundamental to maintaining an optimal work-life balance .

Beyond the personal work that each of us must carry out on ourselves, however, the work environment also comes into play , which must obviously lend itself to being a pleasant, favourable, healthy and positive place.

Here is therefore the key role of the various corporate welfare services , smart working and all those forms of employment versatility or facilitation in favor of the employee.

Work life balance and corporate welfare: how to promote work-life balance with welfare services

Companies can play a crucial role in supporting employees' work-life balance also through corporate welfare programs.

Offering services such as flexible working hours, work-life balance assistance programs and mental wellbeing initiatives helps create a work environment that values employee health and well-being.

The promotion of corporate welfare initiatives can have a positive impact on employee satisfaction and loyalty, as well as improving the company's reputation as an employer attentive to the well-being of its collaborators.

Investing in work-life balance through welfare not only benefits employees, but can also translate into an increase in productivity and staff retention for the company.

Assuming that the choice of the correct welfare tool changes from case to case and that it is always advisable to do an internal survey first , let's give some concrete examples of some of the possible activities or issues on which corporate welfare can influence the work-life balance of employees …

Fringe Benefits

● Shopping vouchers

● Flexible benefits

● Health care

● Contributions for education and constant refresher courses

● Maternity and paternity assistance

● Family support

● Free time (reduced or flexible working hours)

● Transport and public services

● Payments for pension fund

● Support for first home mortgage and/or rental costs

It is no coincidence that the services provided for by Art 100 of the TUIR include: training (professional training courses, language courses...), healthcare (specialist visits, diagnostic tests...), family assistance (babysitters, carers...), travel ( flights , hotels and holiday packages), activities related to sport and well-being (gym, fitness and relaxation activities) and culture and free time for adults and children (cinemas, shows and concerts, cooking classes, amusement parks... ).

Work life balance and employer branding

Employer branding is also closely linked to the concept of work - life balance .

A company that actively works to foster a healthy work-life balance for its employees communicates a positive message to potential candidates and existing employees.

A company's reputation as an employer that cares about the well-being of its workers can attract quality talent and improve employee loyalty.

Work-life balance- oriented employer branding includes:

● promotion of flexibility policies,

● wellness programs,

● creating a positive work environment that enhances life outside the office.

Transparently communicating these initiatives, through internal and external channels, helps build a positive corporate reputation, positioning the company as an employer of first choice for the best candidates.

But what exactly is meant by "employer branding"?

Employer branding is the process through which a company builds and promotes its image as a desirable employer.

This involves managing the perceptions of existing and potential employees, effectively communicating company values, organizational culture and initiatives to support employee wellbeing.

employer branding can also influence brand perception and the ability to attract and retain qualified talent.

In conclusion, work-life balance is a key element for individual well-being and organizational success.

Finding the right balance between work and private life requires both a conscious approach on the part of the individual (the definition of personal priorities and effective time management), but companies, in turn, can also support work-life balance .

Investing in this balance not only improves the quality of life of employees, but can also help build a successful company in the long term.

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