Welfare State_Welfare aziendale_Eudaimon
16 August 2024

The importance of communicating corporate welfare

In today's economic and social context, corporate welfare is increasingly becoming a priority for many companies.

However, as important as it is to have a good corporate welfare system, its actual effectiveness depends heavily on the quality of its internal communication.

In this article, we will focus not so much on choosing the right corporate welfare plan or its benefits - as has already been done in many other articles - but rather on the importance of corporate communication , on its crucial role for employees and on how it can offer good growth opportunities for the company.

Corporate Welfare & communication: an inseparable combination

Effective communication is essential for the success of Corporate Welfare programs: the offer of benefits , which no one is aware of or who doesn't know how to use, is of no use!

In fact, without a well-defined communication strategy, employees may not be aware of the benefits available or may not fully understand how to access them and make the most of them.

One of the main objectives of corporate welfare communication must therefore be: IMPROVING AWARENESS among employees.

Often, various companies invest significant resources in creating welfare programs, but if these are not communicated effectively, their impact can be significantly reduced or even zero.

Clear and transparent communication ensures that all collaborators are informed of the opportunities available to them.

Another crucial aspect is EMPLOYEE ENGAGEMENT .

Corporate Welfare communication should be interactive, inviting employees to provide feedback and actively participate in the co-creation of programs.

This not only helps shape services based on the real needs of workers, but also increases the sense of belonging and motivation.

Transparent and consistent communication also helps build TRUST between the company and its employees.

Knowing that management cares about their well-being can strengthen workers' bond and loyalty, reducing turnover and improving the company climate.

But how to achieve these goals?

An effective internal communication plan

To maximize the benefits of corporate welfare, it is therefore essential to implement the internal communication plan.

This should include a series of strategies and tools, aimed at involving collaborators and maintaining attention on welfare programs.

But let's go in order…

  1. Definition of objectives

First of all, it is important to clearly define the objectives of Corporate Welfare communication. These may include increasing awareness, improving engagement, or increasing adoption of the programs offered.

  1. Audience segmentation

Not all employees have the same needs or interests. Segmenting your audience based on criteria such as age, professional level, or department can help personalize messages and make them more relevant and effective.

  1. Using multiple channels

Using a variety of communication channels is crucial to reaching all workers.

Among the most effective we find:

- company intranet , a central platform where employees can find all the information on Welfare programs.

- Newsletter and periodic updates via email with the latest news and opportunities.

- Events and workshops for information sessions, where employees can ask questions and receive direct answers.

- Corporate social media , for more informal and immediate communication.

  1. Leader involvement

Company leaders must always be actively involved in Welfare communication. In fact, their participation not only legitimizes the importance of the programs, but also inspires the beneficiaries of the Welfare program to participate actively.

  1. Feedback and continuous improvement

Another fundamental element of an effective communication plan is the possibility of receiving feedback from those who use it. This can happen through surveys, focus groups, or periodic meetings. Listening to the opinions of collaborators allows us to make continuous improvements to the programs and their communication.

Having said that, corporate welfare communication proceeds in 2 different directions, with distinct objectives: informing employees and increasing the corporate image.

Communication of corporate welfare to employees

The 7th Censis-Eudaimon Report confirms that Welfare is finally known and appreciated and that 89% of workers want to be listened to and demand personalized benefits.

Putting people at the center is therefore fundamental.

Effectively communicating corporate welfare is not just a matter of transmitting information, but also of creating a corporate culture that enhances well-being and personal growth.

Each worker has different needs and priorities, so customizing Welfare communication allows you to target specific messages to groups of employees based on their demographic or professional characteristics.

For example, younger people may be more interested in professional development programs, while parents may value family benefits more .

Creating an open and ongoing dialogue with employees is also essential and can be achieved through periodic meetings, Q&A (question and answer) sessions, and interactive communication tools that allow employees to express their opinions and concerns.

Welfare programs are often not fully exploited simply because there is a lack of awareness on how to access and operate, or due to poor knowledge of the benefits. .

Organizing training and education sessions can help fill these gaps and provide the workers involved with the knowledge needed to benefit from the services offered.

Equally useful can also be gadgets, the presence of a Welfare specialist, the creation of a testimonial , the organization of targeted and specific events, such as "Welfare Days", or team building events .

Communication of corporate welfare as a business opportunity

In addition to improving employee well-being, corporate welfare communication also represents an important business opportunity.

A company that effectively communicates its commitment to employee well-being can significantly improve its corporate reputation .

This translates into attracting new talent And customers , contributing to long-term sustainable growth.

Informed and satisfied employees also tend to be more productive. They know what resources are available to them and how to use them to improve their well-being and work performance.

A good corporate welfare plan can help reduce the costs associated with turnover and absenteeism .

Happier and more satisfied employees are in fact less likely to leave the company or be absent frequently, thus reducing the costs associated with finding and training new workers.

Finally, in today's vast market, where competitiveness is skyrocketing, companies that offer well-communicated and accessible welfare programs can further differentiate themselves from their competitors.

This competitive advantage can translate into greater attraction for talent, but also into better positioning in the market.

The Welfare plan can even become a "sub-brand" of the company, an avatar capable of embodying the company values and emphasizing them as best as possible, involving the company population.

In conclusion, communication is a crucial element both for the success of any Welfare program and for the company in general.

An effective communication plan not only improves employee awareness and engagement, but also represents an important growth opportunity: companies that invest in communication can enjoy numerous benefits, including a better reputation, greater productivity, and sustainable competitive advantage.

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