Welfare Territoriale_rete di benessere e supporto
13 May 2024

Territorial Welfare: a network of alliances for the common good

Can the company have a social role? Can corporate choices impact the well-being of the community in a broader sense, influencing the territory and the society that hosts and surrounds it?

If so, how can this positively impact the work environment and well-being?

Let's discover together what Territorial Welfare is and why collaboration between private individuals and local authorities is so important.

What is Territorial Welfare?

At a time when cities and territories are rethinking their operating paradigms, implementing or updating mobility systems, spaces, attractiveness strategies, sustainability, energy redevelopment and inclusion, new ways of working are also necessary, creating a network of businesses and local authorities.

This is where territorial welfare comes into play.

Territorial Welfare is a branch of Corporate Welfare, which aims at social well-being and which focuses on promoting social cohesion within specific local or territorial communities.

Territorial Welfare, however, is not limited exclusively to social policies and services at a national or regional level, but is based on the idea that solutions to social problems are often better addressed at a local level , taking into account the specificities, resources and the needs of the communities themselves.

This approach can therefore only involve collaboration between different local institutions , such as municipal administrations, non-governmental organizations, voluntary associations, educational institutes and local companies.

These entities then work TOGETHER to identify the needs of the community and develop targeted strategies and interventions to improve the quality of life of the people living in that specific area.

The objective of Territorial Welfare - as we will see better later - is to create an integrated network of services and resources , which can satisfy the needs of the community effectively and efficiently, while promoting social inclusion, active participation and community cohesion.

A multilevel governance , heterogeneous multi-actor or homogeneous sector, can therefore implement territorial initiatives on the front of work , training , personal and family services , with the aim of promoting both work-life balance and 'innovation.

Territorial Welfare initiatives can in fact include a vast range of services and programs, such as employment support, health and social assistance, education, culture, housing, childcare services and much more.

However, we often tend to confuse Territorial Welfare and corporate volunteering, which - despite sharing an undisputed social utility - are not the same thing.

What is corporate volunteering?

Corporate volunteering is a voluntary activity in which companies encourage or allow their employees to dedicate time and resources to carry out charitable or socially useful activities.

These initiatives can take various forms, including involvement in local volunteering projects, participation in fundraising events, sponsorship of volunteering activities organized by non-profit organisations, etc…

Companies can encourage corporate volunteering by making paid time available for volunteering, granting special time off, providing funding or resources for projects, organizing corporate volunteer events, or organizing internal volunteer programs.

Corporate volunteering can bring numerous benefits for both companies and the communities in which they operate : it can improve corporate reputation, increase employee engagement and satisfaction, encourage the development of soft and leadership skills among employees, and contribute to the achievement of corporate social responsibility objectives.

Corporate volunteering can also lead to several benefits for communities , such as additional services and resources, promoting civic and social involvement and having a positive impact on local causes and issues.

So what changes between Territorial Welfare and corporate volunteering?

Territorial Welfare and corporate volunteering are related but distinct concepts , both concerning the field of social well-being and community commitment.

However, they differ markedly in their approaches, actors involved and main objectives.

Regarding the scope of intervention:

Territorial Welfare focuses on promoting well-being and social cohesion within specific local or territorial communities.

Corporate volunteering focuses on the involvement of a company's employees in volunteering and social commitment activities.

As regards the "actors" involved:

Territorial Welfare involves multiple entities, including public bodies, non-profit organizations, educational institutions, local companies and more, who collaborate.

Corporate volunteering, on the other hand, mainly involves company employees who dedicate their time and resources to volunteering initiatives or social projects.

Regarding the objectives:

Territorial Welfare aims to improve well-being and quality of life within a specific community, promoting social inclusion, active participation and community cohesion.

Corporate volunteering focuses mainly on the use of company employees' resources and time, with an altruistic aim, but also to improve the company image.

In summary, while Territorial Welfare is characterized by a systemic approach, aimed at improving social well-being within a community, corporate volunteering is a specific activity in which companies encourage their employees to dedicate time and of resources to social commitment initiatives.

Territorial Welfare and sustainability

It may not be an immediate connection, but Territorial Welfare can also have a positive impact on environmental sustainability.

Territorial Welfare can in fact include the promotion of sustainable practices within the community , such as the adoption of waste management policies, the implementation of renewable energy, the promotion of sustainable mobility and the conservation of natural resources.

Territorial Welfare projects can include environmental education and awareness activities for the local community, which aim to promote awareness of issues related to the environment and encourage sustainable behavior among citizens.

Even through urban redevelopment projects , it is possible to improve the quality of life of both workers and resident citizens and promote - at the same time - sustainability, through the creation of green spaces, the redevelopment of abandoned industrial areas, or the reduction of air pollution and acoustic.

Finally, Territorial Welfare can encourage the creation of green jobs in the renewable energy sector, energy efficiency, waste management and other activities related to environmental sustainability, thus contributing to sustainable economic growth of the community.

A network of businesses and local authorities to encourage the growth of the territory

The concept of networking in the context of Territorial Welfare is of fundamental importance for a number of reasons.

  1. Work optimization

By working together, the parties involved can in fact achieve results that would otherwise be difficult to achieve individually.

  1. Resource optimization

Leveraging the complementary skills of the organizations involved.

  1. Expansion of the concept of well-being

By more fully identifying community needs and developing more suitable and comprehensive solutions.

  1. Exchange of knowledge and practical improvements

Exchanging experiences and encouraging change and mutual learning.

  1. Long-term sustainability

Creating stable links between organizations and institutions and promoting continuous collaboration and sharing of resources.

Networking in the context of Territorial Welfare is therefore essential to maximize its effectiveness.

Territorial Welfare and people's well-being

The implementation of Territorial Welfare paths is a way to respond to new social needs, resulting from the combination of a series of ongoing changes: demographic, economic, social and cultural.

These developments have had a notable impact on the values and needs of the population, which today therefore requires new solutions.

To this end, companies and the PA can play a crucial role as generators of well-being.

Territorial Welfare in fact activates useful collaborations between multiple social actors, encouraging the development and change of local organizational structures and respecting the characteristics of individual production contexts, also fitting into deeply differentiated demographic fabrics.

Corporate and Territorial Welfare, in conjunction with smart working, indisputably also significantly strengthen family support mechanisms.

The advantages of Territorial Welfare

The advantages of Territorial Welfare, both for the company and for the employee, include:

well being

By encouraging an improvement in the corporate climate and a positive and supportive work environment, team cohesion and productivity are also promoted.


Today a key point for businesses and institutions, in compliance with the UN Agenda 2030, which aims to achieve 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) by 2030.


Through the sharing of experiences and services, which take into account diversity, the growth of a sense of community is promoted.

Brand reputation

Participating in Territorial Welfare initiatives can improve public perception of the company, showing a tangible commitment to the well-being of the communities in which it operates.

According to The Guardian , 42% of workers would like to work at a company that has a positive impact on the world.

Evolution smart , through an intelligent and flexible organization

Participating in Territorial Welfare initiatives can offer new opportunities for developing transversal, personal and professional skills, including leadership , problem solving and time management.


Territorial Welfare is a concrete way to improve organizational processes, encouraging creative discussion between stakeholders in the network, implementing new initiatives and working methods.

Increased employee engagement

Offering opportunities for employees to participate in volunteer projects and charitable initiatives can increase their sense of belonging to the company and their involvement in work, reducing issues such as burnout syndrome and disaffection at work.

Attraction and retention of talent

Companies that also engage in local and territorial initiatives may prove more attractive to potential new employees, who evaluate not only the financial aspect of the company, but also its social and environmental impact.

The objectives of Territorial Welfare

In conclusion, the objectives of Territorial Welfare can therefore be summarized in 4 points:

  1. start a new way of experiencing the territory , attributing a new social role to the company.
  2. Promote a constructive dialogue between local companies and stakeholders, to reduce the attractiveness and public policies of the territory.
  3. permanent laboratories, activities and hubs with the aim of encouraging work innovation and collaboration.
  4. Share, share, share.

Start a flow of exchange of models and experiences to give life to new scenarios and innovative ideas.

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