Welfare culturale_il benessere del tempo libero
03 May 2024

Cultural welfare to enhance free time

As also confirmed by the latest Censis report, disaffection from work is now an increasingly widespread problem.

The value attributed to one's job is no longer what it once was ; it is no longer sufficient for the individual's personal satisfaction, despite maintaining a strong value in this sense.

So what are the fundamental elements in a worker's life, capable of influencing his level of well-being, both physical and mental, and how can welfare help us in this sense?

The value of free time

The importance of Work Life Balance, i.e. the right balance between work and private life, is now undeniable in every context, but since when did "free time" really become a priority?

It might seem obvious today, but the concept of free time and the value attributed to it have evolved throughout history, with significant changes in societies and cultures.

Since the first industrial revolution , some significant changes to the structure and hours of work have allowed many to have more free time available to dedicate to hobbies, entertainment, private life and recreational activities.

After the Second World War , with the so-called "economic boom", the increase in well-being further allowed us to dedicate not only more time, but also more resources to free time, which has thus become an increasingly important component of everyone's daily life. individual.

Between the 1960s and 1970s, the significant growth of the civil rights movement, feminism and other social struggles certainly fostered greater awareness of the importance of individual well-being .

With the advent of digital technology and the spread of the internet, people have had access to an increasingly vast range of entertainment and leisure opportunities.

All these factors have helped highlight the importance of free time in maintaining a healthy balance between work and personal life , especially in an age where professional life can be increasingly hectic and demanding.

Definitely considered a goal, attributing the right value to free time can therefore only lead us to reflect on the role of work in this sense.

By pursuing the objectives that have always characterized the role of Corporate Welfare, it is clear that not only the corporate climate must respect the standards of well-being, but also how life outside the office must be sufficiently satisfying.

How to do?

Cultural Welfare

As Istat data also reveal , culture and free time are becoming increasingly important, both for the worker and for the employer, who aims to guarantee the well-being and productivity of the employee.

Corporate welfare can therefore also be used as a tool to promote culture and free time.

The term "cultural welfare" refers to a political and social approach aimed at promoting the well-being and cultural development of a society through public policies and targeted interventions in the cultural sector.

This concept focuses on the idea that culture should not just be a good accessible to a privileged few, but rather a fundamental right that should be guaranteed to all members of society.

Cultural welfare can therefore include a range of measures, such as subsidies for access to cultural events, grants for arts and cultural organisations, educational programs in the cultural sector, policies to safeguard cultural heritage, support for creative industries and much more .

The main objective of cultural welfare is to promote cultural participation, social inclusion and personal enrichment through access to culture and the arts.

This type of policy definitely aims to improve people's quality of life, promoting creativity, education and social cohesion within society, but it is also a useful incentive to encourage employer branding.

Corporate welfare and free time benefits

The benefits and initiatives offered by Corporate Welfare always aim to improve employee well-being, increase job satisfaction and promote a healthy and productive working environment.

Based on what has been said so far, the link between welfare and free time is therefore essential and therefore many of the benefits offered by companies are designed in this sense: to promote recreational and constructive activities, which increase the individual's state of well-being , through cultural activities, sports, entertainment, social interactions, hobbies and passions…

Free time benefits take different forms and obviously depend on individual company policies, but - for example - they can include :

vacation and leave plans

Companies can offer generous vacation plans or paid time off to allow employees to enjoy periods of rest and time off.

Flexible schedule

Many companies offer flexible working hours that allow employees to adapt their work schedule to their personal and family needs.

Additional rest days

In addition to official holidays, companies may allow additional days off or business closures during specific times of the year, such as Christmas or summer holidays.

Meal vouchers or vouchers for extra-work activities

Some companies offer meal vouchers or vouchers that employees can use for leisure activities during their free time, such as cinema, theatre, exhibitions and museums, affiliated gyms and much more...

Babysitting services, nursery schools, etc…

To facilitate family activities and commitments.

Discounts and tax breaks

Companies can negotiate discounts or benefits for their employees at shops, restaurants, cinemas, amusement parks and other recreational facilities.

Wellbeing initiatives

Companies can organize events, courses or recreational activities such as yoga, pilates, cooking classes or team sports to promote employees' physical and mental well-being during free time.

The offer of free time benefits is always part of a broader and "holistic" corporate welfare strategy, aimed at improving the quality of life of employees and promoting a positive and motivating working climate.

The human soul cannot be considered in watertight compartments. Personal satisfaction, health and psycho-physical well-being of the individual are inevitably the result of the sum of several factors, which require the right balance between them, without necessarily being assessable according to an objective scale of values.

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