Eudaimon, which has been working alongside companies for years to promote the welfare of their employees, collaborates with Censis, an independent research institute and an authoritative interpreter of Italian social reality for more than 50 years.
Established in 2018 with the aim of studying the potential of corporate welfare as a tool for social innovation, the collaboration gives rise annually to the Censis-Eudaimon Report on Corporate Welfare, recognized as a reference for the entire sector and the bearer of a vision that anticipates the economic and social evolution of work and companies.
The report is published annually between February and March with two major events in Milan and Rome.
In 2023 we found a record number of employed people, more stable jobs and a higher female employment rate, which however coexist with a widespread subjective disaffection towards work: an unprecedented paradox that is described in the 7th Censis- Eudaimon Report. Particular dynamism also for welfare company which is increasingly confirmed as an integral element of working life and beyond.
So what is the role of work in people's lives? And how are companies reacting to the difficulty of retaining or attracting workers, especially young people? Now that corporate welfare is finaly widespread and appreciated, what are the next steps?