5°Rapporto Censis-Eudaimon sul welfare aziendale
29 April 2022

The Great Resignation: people at the center

After the pandemic, the big resignation. In recent months, there has been much discussion of this phenomenon that sees as protagonists the workforce under 35 and the progressive increase in their voluntary resignation.

The phenomenon, widespread especially in the United States, forced companies to seek strategies that could defraud this problem using corporate welfare. The positive working environment, a climate of listening and understanding, a better balance between private and working life, fair compensation and concrete career opportunities: these are the characteristics that young talents are looking for in their employment today.

 At Eudaimon, in partnership with Censis, we conducted an accurate survey interviewing hundreds of workers to shed light on this phenomenon and on the new role of companies in the lives of their collaborators.

This research gave rise to the 5th Censis-Eudaimon Report.

Go to the article (only Italian) https://www.secondowelfare.it/privati/aziende/le-persone-al-centro-come-cambia-il-welfare-aziendale-dopo-la-pandemia/

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