Welfare aziendale equilibrato.
22 June 2018

Eudaimon-Censis: A Fair Welfare, Not Equivalent

Welfare aziendale equilibrato.

On the 20th of June, Milan hosted the presentation of a new research based on the first Report by Censis-Eudaimon, launched in January 2018 and from which many relevant elements emerged. The research focuses on the difficulty of accessing welfare services and the role that the corporates can play in relation to such topic.

Alberto Perfumo, CEO of Eudaimon, asserted: “Employee Welfare is certainly important but cannot be considered the panacea for every disease. In order for Employee Welfare to be truly innovative and socially impactful, it must be used in compliance with certain criteria that aim to guarantee the services’ fairness”.


Francesco Maietta, Censis’ Social Political Area Manager, investigated the Italian’s difficulty of accessing social services, reiterating how complex it is to match the people’s needs with the services available locally; hence, the firm plays a key role because it can channel the solution to such problem by adopting Employee Welfare.


Among the presents:

·        Gruppo Bancario Credito Emiliano – Credem who recently envisaged adopting a project aimed to help the employees’ children orientate in the working and studying environment; such project is backed by On The Road, a service that is a digital journey and can be used in the over 500 offices all over Italy. “The project is currently being launched”, said Andrea Mazzini, Welfare and Personnel Manager of Credem. “We have the ambition to achieve differentiated segments, from choosing High School, post graduate orientation till entering the labor market”.

  • Vanes Benefetto, Coop Alleanza 3.0 Welfare Manager, who presented the innovative trial actualized to provide for the increasing needs for socio-assistance services of its employees. Within a solidarity protocol signed with the trade unions it was possible to set up a jointly commission in charge of managing 8 thousand paid working hours destined to personal or familiar crisis matters.
LEGGI L'ARTICOLO @RUNU.IT https://www.runu.it/censis-eudaimon-equo-accesso-ai-servizi-welfare/

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