Disaffezione al lavoro_Eudaimon_WelfareAziendale
25 January 2024

Disaffection at work: an increasingly widespread phenomenon

Often operators and professionals, engaged daily in activities that involve interpersonal relationships, end up making their working life a source of continuous stress.

The company must not be a mere provider of services, but has the role of taking by the hand and accompanying its collaborators, transmitting values and attention.

Disaffection at work is an increasingly widespread phenomenon and the scenario described by the 6th Censis-Eudaimon Report* confirms this.

Also due to inaccessible public welfare, 8 out of 10 people ask for support in accessing services, and 9 out of 10 people consider this support towards the solution to be fundamental.

But let's try to better understand what it is and above all why disaffection at work happens.

*For further information, read the dedicated article.

What is disaffection at work?

Work disaffection , also known as job disengagement or professional disinterest , refers to a state in which an individual feels tired, listless, or apathetic about their work activities.

This phenomenon can manifest itself in several ways, including: lack of motivation, indifference towards work responsibilities, lack of enthusiasm and a general sense of dissatisfaction.

The causes of disaffection at work can obviously be multiple and subjective, but in most cases they include factors such as:

● lack of professional growth opportunities,

● lack of recognition,

● excessive workloads,

● poor leadership,

● conflicts in the workplace,

● lack of balance between professional and personal life,

● lack of clarity in roles and expectations.

Disaffection at work can have negative consequences for both individuals and organizations; it can lead - on a personal level - to stress and dissatisfaction, low self-esteem and, ultimately, a decline in work performance.

However , there is a significant impact for companies too : disaffection with work can translate into a low level of productivity, high turnover, frequent absences and a less than positive organizational climate.

For problems of this type, however, it happens more often that we hear about " work burnout" rather than disaffection at work: but are they the same thing?

Disaffection at work or job burnout?

Work disaffection and job burnout are related concepts, but they are not the same thing.

However, these terms are often used interchangeably because they both relate to employee well-being and satisfaction in the workplace.

Let's see the main differences.

Disaffection at work

refers to a state in which an individual feels tired, listless, or apathetic towards their work.

It can manifest as a lack of motivation, indifference towards work responsibilities, and a general sense of dissatisfaction.

The causes can vary and include lack of growth opportunities, lack of recognition, excessive workloads, and other challenges related to the work environment.

Work Burnout

more advanced and serious state than disaffection.

It is a physical, emotional and mental exhaustion caused by chronic work-related stress. Burnout involves more severe symptoms, such as extreme fatigue, anxiety, depression, and can negatively affect the individual's physical and mental health.

Causes of burnout often include excessive workloads, lack of control over one's work, lack of social support, and other stressful factors.

In essence, disaffection at work can be considered an initial phase or symptom of burnout.

While disaffection concerns a lack of interest and motivation, burnout represents a more advanced state of exhaustion, involving a range of severe physical and psychological symptoms.

Both concepts, however, highlight the importance of addressing work-related challenges and promoting a healthy work environment to prevent the deterioration of employee well-being.

So how can we recognize the onset of disaffection at work from the start?

The 4 phases in which disaffection at work manifests itself

Disaffection at work obviously manifests itself progressively and generally in different phases, even if there is no universally accepted model as in the case of burnout.

Among the common phases that can characterize disaffection at work we find:

1.Initial dissatisfaction

This phase can begin with a general dissatisfaction with the job. The individual may perceive that work activities are not stimulating or rewarding, and may experience a lack of engagement.

2. Lack of Motivation

Over time, a lack of interest can evolve into a lack of motivation. The individual may begin to feel apathetic towards their work responsibilities, with a decrease in commitment and energy devoted to work.

3. Emotional Detachment

At this stage, the individual may begin to emotionally detach from work and colleagues. The feeling of strangeness can lead to a lack of connection with the work context, reducing the sense of belonging.

4. Decreased Performance

Disaffection at work is often reflected in decreased job performance.

The individual may no longer be able to maintain the previous level of productivity and quality of work.

5. Absenteeism and Withdrawal

In more advanced stages, disaffection can lead to behaviors such as frequent absenteeism or social withdrawal. The individual may try to avoid work or interact less with colleagues.

6. Behavioral Changes

Disaffection can manifest itself through behavioral changes, such as increased irritability, cynicism or negativity. The individual may also show signs of discouragement and frustration.

It is important to highlight that these stages vary from person to person and can be influenced by various factors, including the work environment, the nature of work responsibilities, relationship dynamics and other personal aspects.

Recognizing signs of disaffection early and addressing the underlying causes can be crucial to preventing the situation from worsening.

How to avoid or reduce disaffection at work?

Avoiding disaffection at work requires a holistic approach that involves both the individual and the organization.

However, some precautions can help prevent disaffection at work; for example:

clarity in expectations

Providing clear definitions of roles, responsibilities and goals to employees can help avoid confusion and uncertainty.

Promotion of well-being

Organizations should promote wellness programs that support employees' physical and mental health. These may include initiatives to manage stress, promote physical health, and offer resources for improving overall well-being.

Balance between professional and personal life

Fostering a healthy balance between work and personal life is essential. Policies that support flexible hours, remote work and days off can help reduce the risk of burnout.

Recognition and appreciation

Recognizing and appreciating employee work can improve morale and motivation. This can be done through formal recognition, positive feedback and opportunities for growth and development.

Involvement and participation

Fostering an environment where employees feel involved and an integral part of the decision-making process can improve their sense of belonging and commitment.

Professional development

Offering training and professional development opportunities can keep employees interested, providing them with stimuli and growth prospects.

Open communication

Open and transparent communication between employees and leadership can help prevent disaffection by providing clear information about goals, changes and expectations.

Stress management

Providing resources and programs to manage stress can help employees develop effective coping skills and maintain good emotional balance.

Positive organizational culture

Promoting an organizational culture that values well-being, collaboration and mutual respect can help create a healthier and more motivating work environment.

Active listening

Creating opportunities to listen to employees' concerns and opinions is essential. Active listening can help identify potential problems before they become serious.

Implementing these strategies certainly requires a collaborative effort on the part of leaders and employees themselves , but undeniably a work environment that promotes well-being, participation and appreciation can significantly contribute to preventing disaffection and maintaining a positive climate in the workplace .

Euty to avoid work stress and disaffection at work

So this is where Euty comes into play !

According to Eudaimon, the company must be a point of reference for the workers, who dedicate over a third of their time to it, and - to do this - a project is needed that sees them at the centre, which is built around them to meet the needs support.

Euty is a new way of doing welfare: an APP, designed as a tool to help people deal with the small, big changes in life.

It is aimed at everyone by offering training contents, bureaucratic procedures, advice, indications and specific services, all collected in modules that represent the different "stages of life".

Euty was created precisely to offer answers; it is a guide for everyday life , it is a service always at hand, which allows the user to make informed welfare choices, offering answers to everyday questions and accompanying the best solution for each specific need.

Information, individual guidance, concrete answers and much more…

To find out more, fill out the form without obligation: eudaimon.it/it /

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