Webinar Welfare Aziendale Best Practices
10 November 2022

Digital Talk: Corporate Wellbeing Best Practices

On Wednesday, November 9, the Eudaimon Digital Talk "Corporate Welfare: best practices - Focus: an enabling factor for gender equality and access to PNRR funds" took place.

The aim was to look at corporate welfare from a new perspective, and therefore not only as an important tool to support the deepest personal, family and economic needs of employees.

The result was a nice chat with guests outside our organization and who accompanied us in the reflection on how corporate welfare can be good for companies from many points of view, By helping them to achieve important results on issues other than bringing into the company solutions to support employees and their families.

The first theme, gender equality, seemed to us to be a much more topical topic on which to reflect: the Global Gender Gap Index 2022 realized by the World Economic Forum, on a global level, sees us at the 63rd place out of 146 countries analyzed. With a sharp misalignment with the economies closest to us: Germany occupies the 10th position, France the 15th position and Spain the 17th position.

Although the situation at the national level seems dramatic, there are several companies that are already working for some time to bring gender equality in the company and that have also done so through the grounding of corporate welfare initiatives.

Donatella De Vita, Pirelli’s Global Head of Welfare and Engagement, brings us the experience of a large company that has been working on this path for years and in fact offers a reading of a company welfare that, also following the pandemic, has been able to evolve and become part of the themes related to the enhancement and acceptance of diversity, getting to be closer to people as individuals and giving new space to the uniqueness of women’s career paths.

On this theme, the story of Laura Abate, Welfare Manager of Pirelli, is very significant, providing us with an insight into the activities in support of parenting and caregivers, which can be an important key to unlocking female figures in the company. In particular, the focus emerges on the involvement of male figures, both in co-parenting paths and through an awareness of care roles; a cultural challenge of sharing the burden of care that is concretized through the involvement of the "counterpart" in training courses and workshops.

A different point of view on this theme is provided by Flaminia De Romanis, Head of the Team Academy of Value D, which brings the experience of this association of 330 companies working on multidiversity to create an impact at the national level. In the strategy of the association the cultural change is just one of the objectives to the center of the distance that the companies must undertake in order to supply a propulsion to the attainment of the equality of gender, and the formation job must be carried out to 360 certain: both young people and top management.

Due also the reference to the PNRR, an economic initiative of vast scope and an opportunity that Italy looks with great expectation to give new life to the national economy. 

If Laura Abate highlights the disconnection between the rhythms of companies and the rhythms of public initiatives, Roberto Trainito, Associate Partner Head of Area Policy Analysis & PNRR of Intellera Consulting, brings the consultancy experience related to the implementation of the PNRR and tries to shed some light on a subject that certainly presents many critical issues and gray areas, By tracing the areas of intervention that intersect with corporate welfare and the national need to involve women, and young people, in the world of work.

Go to the recording (Italian only) https://vimeo.com/769370072/ea6b7b29b4

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