Il welfare aziendale tra nuovi bisogni dei collaboratori, digitalizzazione e pandemia.
20 May 2021

Corporate welfare between new employee needs, digitization and pandemic

With the health emergency, smart working has become part of the everyday life of all of us, to the point of becoming home working. This turning point inevitably required a great adaptive effort to the world of corporate welfare which had to dematerialize as many services as possible.

This sudden digitization requires a change in the organizational model also within companies: what role could welfare cover in total reward?

Fringe benefits are no longer enough, they must be accompanied by communiting and people caring services. Flexibility is central today, people's needs are no longer standardizable and this requires that the solutions be customized, to satisfy the specific needs of each individual.

Today, more than ever, it is necessary to implement a cultural change, oriented towards results rather than control: companies must also see total reward as a tool for communicating with their collaborators, for transmitting closeness and promoting corporate cohesion, even from the couch at home.

Eudaimon participated in the discussion together with other providers of the sector to underline the crucial role of welfare in this historical period.


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