Podcast "Il mondo del welfare"
13 January 2022

The World of Welfare PODCAST

Alberto Perfumo, our CEO was interviewed during the last episode of the podcast "The World of Welfare" by Radio Confapi, a moment of analysis of the state of both corporate and public welfare.

How has welfare reacted to the pandemic? Was it unprepared for the health emergency or did it confirm his potential? How does corporate welfare fit with public welfare?

During the interview it is clear that social relevance is the main feature that corporate welfare services must have. It is necessary to work in synergy with the Government to be able to cover all people's needs and thus improve their quality of life both private and business.

LISTEN TO THE PODCAST (ITALIAN ONLY ) https://www.spreaker.com/user/radioconfapi/intervista-ad-alberto-perfumo-il-mondo-d

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