Orientamento scolastico per il lavoro.
14 June 2018

Eudaimon-Censis: a Look at Educational and Work Orientation Data

Orientamento scolastico per il lavoro.

ROME – According to Censis, one and a half million high school and university graduates do a job that is not related to the subject of their degree. The lien on young people’s future begins from school years, continues with non-qualified work and ends with the halt on social mobility (only 10.6% of parents who hold a middle school degree have children who graduated from university). Job seeking is still a private thing: only 4.7% of graduates relied on employment centres to find an occupation. At the bottom of this list still lie those high school graduates who did not attend university.


In Italy is hard to improve scholastically if the performances have always been poor, as it is hard to climb the social ladder if born at the bottom of it, same with school performance. In fact, the school environment only proves disparities instead of fighting them. “This trap built for young people must be destroyed”, stated the Censis. Firms play an important role “by providing their employees’ children with tools and plans dedicated to their work and educational orientation”, said Alberto Perfumo, CEO of Eudaimon, company specialized in Employee Welfare.

LEGGI L'ARTICOLO @REPUBBLICA.IT Scuola, Censis: pesano le disuguaglianze, un lavoro inadeguato al titolo di studio per 4 ragazzi su 10

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