Crescita del welfare aziendale.
13 November 2017

Employee Welfare: the Assolombarda’s Observatory Registers a 52% Growth

Crescita del welfare aziendale.


A growing number of enterprises is adopting Employee Welfare

A study by Assolombarda Observatory, that since 2010 has been monitoring the spread of Employee Welfare, shows how the corporates that chose to adopt Employee Welfare measures are growing by 52% over the last 6 years. According to the study:” Milan, Monza, Lodi and Brianza’s enterprises greatly invest in the “well-being” of their employees: averagely, 2.4% of the budget is dedicated to the personnel, more, for instance, than the budget of Brescia (1.6%) and Turin (1.7%)”. Moreover, the study demonstrates that the cost is the least relevant factor for the company, whilst the employees’ appreciation is the most important value. There is also an improvement regarding supplementary healthcare services and corporate board and canteen supply.

Welfare observatory: work and lifestyle

The 9 leading associated services providers (Assiteca, Easy Welfare, Edenred, Eudaimon, Double You, Health Italia, Valore Welfare, Welfare Company, Welfare4you) in collaboration with Assolombarda founded the Welfare Observatory with the aim of monitoring the Employee Welfare phenomenon.

The two goals to be achieved are:

·        the market trends, according to the data made available by the providers (by virtue of the relationship of trust with the Association);

·        the monitoring of company agreements entered in Assolombarda.

With reference to the last abovementioned goal, 63 company agreements have been signed over the last months, especially in 2017 (43 over the first 10 months, compared to the 17 of 2016).

According to the first results delivered by the Observatory, among the agreements entered, those involving Employee Welfare were 58% of the total, whereas the national average is 32%.


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